Document Disclosure Made Easy
In February 2022, courts across Ontario started issuing the new Form 8.01 Automatic Order .
Now there is a complete and easy to navigate checklist, giving you the means to truly fulfill it.
Compile your or your client’s initial income documents required to make or respond to support claims pursuant to Family Law Rules Rule 13, including:
- Rule 13(3.1) Support claims
- Rule 13(5.0.1) Motion to Change
- Rule 13(5.2) Motion to refrain
Get the Disclosure You Need
Trouble obtaining disclosure from the other side? Use the checklist as a clear request for information:
- Send it in an email
- Serve it with the Application
- Append it to a Request for Information
Document Checklist for Support Claims – DC Form 13(3.1) [2024-2025]